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The Treatment of Large Pressure Drops of Plate Heat Exchanger
​Plate heat exchangers have been widely used in central heating, food, machinery, metallurgy, the petrochemical industry, and ships, and have become the leading heat exchange equipment in urban central heating projects. In order to ensure the normal operation of the plate heat exchanger and prolong the service life of key components, it is especially important to understand the failures of the plate heat exchanger, their causes, and treatment methods. The following is a description of how to deal with the heat exchanger when the pressure drop is too large.
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Selection Points of Plate Heat Exchanger
Plate heat exchangers were first put into commercial production in the 1930s and are now being used more and more widely in water supply, heating, and air conditioning projects in industrial and civil buildings. The correct selection of plate heat exchangers can ensure the smooth implementation and use of the project. Here we introduce how to select the heat exchanger.
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Reasons for the Low Efficiency of Plate Heat Exchanger
With increasing use, the heat exchanger's heat transfer efficiency will inevitably be affected, thus affecting normal operation. There are many reasons for the low heat transfer efficiency of plate heat exchangers. Because we all know that the plate heat exchanger heat transfer efficiency is very high, and this is one of the reasons why people often choose it. Today we will discuss this issue.
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Maintenance of the Plate Heat Exchanger
Even a plate heat exchanger can have problems during the course of a year and require maintenance, especially its seals, to see if it has loosened.
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How to Deal with the Leakage of Plate Heat Exchanger?
The plate heat exchanger is a new type of high-efficiency heat exchanger made of metal sheets with certain corrugated shapes stacked on top of each other. A thin rectangular channel is formed between the various plates, and heat is exchanged through the plates. The plate heat exchanger is an ideal equipment for liquid-to-liquid and liquid-to-vapor heat exchange.
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History of Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers are devices used to transfer heat from a hot fluid to a cold fluid to meet specified process requirements and are an industrial application of convective heat transfer and heat conduction. Heat exchangers can be classified in different ways. Its operation process can be divided into three main categories: inter-wall, hybrid, and heat storage. According to its surface compactness can be divided into two categories: compact and non-compact. Next, let's learn about the history of heat exchanger development.
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Failure Analysis During the Operation of the Heat Exchanger
The heat exchanger is a process equipment that transfers the heat between different temperature media by heat conduction from high-temperature objects to low-temperature objects when the objects reach the required temperature for production. At present, heat exchangers are not only used in large chemical raw material manufacturers but also have entered the daily use of thousands of households. Below we introduce two common heat exchanger failures.
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Do You Know What Are the Points of the Plate Heat Exchanger?
The plate heat exchanger is a new type of high-efficiency heat exchanger made of metal plates stacked with certain corrugated shapes. The structure includes gaskets, compression plates, and frames, the plates are sealed and guided by sealing gaskets, separating the cold and hot two fluid channels. Different media flow through the respective channels and exchange heat with the separated plates to achieve the required temperature. Next, we will introduce the advantages of the plate heat exchanger.
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Do You Know How to Clean the Heat Exchanger?
The heat exchanger is widely used in the circulating water system for winter heating in family buildings, office buildings, hotels, etc. After use for a period of time and after the end of the pipeline construction without slag flushing, resulting in a large amount of internal scale and welding slag foreign matter, clogging the pipeline, resulting in poor heat exchange effect. Therefore, it must be cleaned regularly to restore its original efficiency.
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Application of Plate Heat Exchangers in Heating
With the development of the plate heat exchanger field, many cities are now using plate heat exchangers for their heating equipment. Plate heat exchangers are currently the most widely used heat exchangers. Below we introduce the use of plate heat exchangers for central heating.
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