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The Treatment of Large Pressure Drops of Plate Heat Exchanger

Views: 26     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-08-02      Origin: Site


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The Treatment of Large Pressure Drops of Plate Heat Exchanger

Plate heat exchangers have been widely used in central heating, food, machinery, metallurgy, the petrochemical industry, and ships, and have become the leading heat exchange equipment in urban central heating projects. In order to ensure the normal operation of the plate heat exchanger and prolong the service life of key components, it is especially important to understand the failures of the plate heat exchanger, their causes, and treatment methods. The following is a description of how to deal with the heat exchanger when the pressure drop is too large.

Here is the content list:

  • Large pressure drop

  • Causes of large pressure drop

  • Several treatment methods

Large pressure drop

Media inlet and outlet pressure drop exceed the design requirements or even exceed the design value many times, which will seriously affect the system requirements for flow and temperature. In the heating system, if the pressure drop on the hot side is too large, the primary side flow will be seriously insufficient, that is, the heat source is not enough, resulting in the secondary side out temperature can not meet the requirements. These are the problems with the use of plate heat exchangers.

Causes of large pressure drop

The pressure drop of the plate heat exchanger may have a variety of reasons. The operating system piping is not normally blowing, especially in the newly installed system piping many dirty things (such as welding slag, dirt, gravel, etc.) into the interior of the plate heat exchanger. As the plate heat exchanger flow channel cross-sectional area is narrower, the heat exchanger sediment and suspended matter gathered in the corner hole and the inflow area, resulting in the flow channel area is greatly reduced, resulting in pressure loss. Plate heat exchanger for the first time when the selection of the area is small, resulting in a high flow rate between the plates and the pressure drop is large. Because the plate asks for the channel to be very narrow, generally only 2 ~ 5 mm, when the heat exchange medium contains larger particles or fiber material, easy to block the channel between the plate, the plate heat exchanger operation after a period of time, due to plate surface scaling caused by pressure drop is too large. These are the reasons for the failure of the heat exchanger.

Several treatment methods

For different causes of heat exchanger failure, we have different ways to deal with it. Removal of dirt or plate fouling from the heat exchanger runners For newly installed operating systems, clean once a week depending on the actual situation. When cleaning the plate surface scale, use a solution of specific formulation as a cleaning solution with a cleaning temperature of 40~60℃. Not to disassemble the equipment chemical immersion cleaning, to open the heat exchanger cold media inlet and outlet or installation of equipment in the media inlet and outlet receiver on the installation of cleaning ports, will be prepared to inject the cleaning solution into the equipment, soak and clean the residual solution with water so that pH ≥ 7. When disassembled for cleaning, the plate in the cleaning solution was soaked for 30 minutes, then use a soft brush to lightly brush the scale, and finally cleaned with water. During the cleaning process, avoid damaging the plate and rubber pad.

The above is the introduction of the causes and treatment methods of large pressure drops of the plate heat exchanger. I hope it will be helpful to the users of heat exchangers. Only effective and strive for post maintenance, in order to maximize the life of the heat exchanger.




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