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Reasons for the Low Efficiency of Plate Heat Exchanger

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-24      Origin: Site


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Reasons for the Low Efficiency of Plate Heat Exchanger

With increasing use, the heat exchanger's heat transfer efficiency will inevitably be affected, thus affecting normal operation. There are many reasons for the low heat transfer efficiency of plate heat exchangers. Because we all know that the plate heat exchanger heat transfer efficiency is very high, and this is one of the reasons why people often choose it. Today we will discuss this issue.

Here is the content list:

  • Wrong choice of material

  • The abnormal flow rate or blockage

  • Unreasonable structure

Wrong choice of material

The choice of the wrong material will affect the heat exchanger heat transfer area, many people in the selection, often choose a small heat transfer coefficient of the plate heat exchanger, the correct choice of material when the heat transfer coefficient is large, that is, a small thermal resistance material.

The abnormal flow rate or blockage

The plate heat exchanger in the operation of the liquid flow rate differences will also affect the heat transfer efficiency, one side of the flow rate is low will lead to the wall fluid stagnation layer being too thick. There is also a situation of blockage. Plate heat exchanger in use, the plate heat exchanger flow channel gap is small (2.5 ~ 6mm), and the diameter of particles greater than 1.5 ~ 3mm of debris easy to block the plate channel. This will make the pressure drop of the equipment deteriorate sharply, resulting in a significant reduction in the heat transfer capacity of the equipment due to blockage. The poor thermal conductivity of scale, results in the reduction of heat transfer efficiency of the heat exchanger and the serious waste of thermal energy, thus affecting the effect of heat supply, causing a serious negative impact on the heating unit.

Scaling can lead to a reduction in the heat transfer coefficient of the heat transfer equipment, and in severe cases can also block the plate channels. Plate heat exchanger plate design has a large number of support points, designed for the media to play a disturbance (so that the media turbulence improves the heat transfer coefficient) and pressure support role, is easy to collect solid debris. The side effect is to make the fluid form a local stagnant flow and generate dirt tumor, the calcium and magnesium ions in the medium at the appropriate temperature precipitation is easy to grow in the tumor attached to form a honeycomb-like scale. Clogging and scaling the cause different, but the impact on the plate heat exchanger results are the same.

Unreasonable structure

There may be an unreasonable structure, there will be a cold, heat source that can not be fully in contact with the heat exchanger area, resulting in the heat exchanger's local temperature difference, and the heat exchanger area can not be fully utilized.

These are the reasons for the low heat transfer efficiency of the plate heat exchanger. That how to improve the heat transfer efficiency of the plate heat exchanger, you can start from the following aspects: select the high thermal conductivity of the plate; reduce the thermal resistance of the dirt layer; increase the heat transfer efficiency; reduce the heat exchanger gas resistance. I hope this knowledge can help you.




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