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Do You Know About Displacement Heat Exchangers?

Views: 15     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-05-01      Origin: Site


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Do You Know About Displacement Heat Exchangers?

The displacement heat exchanger is the use of cold and hot fluids alternately flow through the heat storage chamber in the heat storage body (packing) surface so that the heat exchange heat exchanger, the inter-wall displacement heat exchanger cold and hot fluids are separated by a solid inter-wall, and heat exchange heat exchanger through the inter-wall, so also known as the surface heat exchanger.

Here is the content list:

  • Comprehensive introduction

  • Operating principle.

  • Structure form

  • Parameters for selection and quotation

Comprehensive introduction

The displacement heat exchanger heat medium temperature drop is large. Vapor heat exchange, condensate water temperature of about 50 ℃, the return pipe up and down the need to set up a water trap, to the use of maintenance convenience, water - water heat exchange, the heat temperature drop for the same type of heat exchanger 2 ~ 2.5 times, 120 ~ 150 ℃ of high-temperature hot water heat exchange can be reduced to 70 ~ 75 ℃. Volumetric heat exchanger heat transfer effect, good heat dissipation, heat loss is small, energy saving. Meanwhile, when steam is used as the heat medium, it can recover about 15% of the condensate heat of the whole heat exchange.

Operating principle

The displacement heat exchanger is a shell and tube heat exchanger belongs to the inter-wall heat transfer and heat exchange, that is, a high-temperature heat medium (water or steam) and another low-temperature medium (water) through the heat exchanger tube wall for heat transfer and heat exchange, the low-temperature medium warming, and heating to a predetermined temperature of a device. Low-temperature cold water enters the equipment barrel from the bottom of the equipment, is heated into domestic hot water, and flows out through the outlet at the top of the equipment.

Structure form

At the beginning of the HVAC hot water design, the designer has to determine the volume size according to the water consumption and the amount of heat exchange. Then, according to the height of the pump room and the floor space, and other factors choose whether the vertical structure or horizontal structure. The vertical structure is suitable for the occasion where there is no restriction on the height requirement between equipment, which can save floor space. On the contrary, the horizontal structure is suitable for actions where the floor space is not limited and the height between equipment is required. Designers have to use different heat exchangers according to different structures.

Parameters for selection and quotation

Whether it is the project budget or the upcoming purchase and installation, you need to volumetric heat exchanger manufacturers for selection and quotation, so what parameters should be provided in order to accurately make a quote? The first is the model number. The model number generally contains a relatively full range of parameter data. Volume size, heat transfer area, vertical or horizontal, the heat medium is steam or high-temperature water, tube and shell process pressure is also very important. The price of displacement heat exchangers with different equipment materials is also different.

These are some of the knowledge about positive displacement heat exchangers. Both the basic operating principle and how to choose a positive displacement heat exchanger are explained.




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