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Structural Characteristics of the Displacement Heat Exchanger

Publish Time: 2023-04-26     Origin: Site

The displacement heat exchanger is designed to increase the heat transfer performance by increasing the flow of hot medium and heated water and changing the laminar heat transfer to turbulent heat transfer. The heat exchange part is completely separated from the heat storage part to achieve the purpose of improving the heat exchange effect and eliminating the cold water and stagnant water area.

Here is the content list:

  • Structural features

  • Temperature control

  • Precautionary measures

  • Safety technical requirements

Structural features

The heat storage vessel is equipped with a set of improved fast heat exchangers. The heat exchanger is completely separated from the vessel, and the outlet pipe set on the heat exchanger shell connects the two in the vessel. The high-efficiency heat exchanger is of a U-tube structure. It can be arranged to greatly improve the K value and increase the heat transfer area, while still maintaining the proper tube spacing between the U-tubes. The cross-sectional area of the hot water side is larger, reducing side resistance and facilitating descaling and maintenance. High volume utilization. Displacement heat exchangers are completely separated from the heat storage part, with no cold water zone or warm water zone, and a high volume utilization rate. Hot water side resistance loss ≤ 0.5m, with small fluctuations in water pressure, resistance loss, and other advantages, is conducive to maintaining the system pressure balance of hot and cold water.

Temperature control

The displacement heat exchanger of the hot medium pipeline should be set up to automatically adjust or automatically open and close the valve to control the water temperature in the tank. Valve action to be reliable, its sensitivity control in the set temperature ± 5 ℃ or less. The final temperature of the heated water should not be higher than 75 ℃. In actual use, in order to delay scaling and reduce maintenance workload, the final temperature of hot water should be controlled between 50-60℃.

Precautionary measures

In order to extend the service life of the heat exchanger, reduce maintenance workload, save energy and maintain efficient heat transfer, when the total hardness of the heated water is greater than or equal to 300mg / L, the appropriate water should be taken to soften or water stability to prevent measures to regularly clean up the outer wall of the U-shaped tube scale.

Safety technical requirements

Installed in the top of the heat exchanger safety valve. Safety valve opening pressure should be 1.1 times the working pressure of the hot water system, and should not be greater than the design pressure of the heat exchanger body (safety valve order specify). The installation and use of safety valves should be in line with national regulations. To prevent the failure of the safety valve, it is desirable to install the expansion tube to the atmosphere at the top of the heat exchanger. If this is not possible, an expansion tank or pressure expansion tank can be connected to the heat exchanger.

These are the structural characteristics of the displacement heat exchanger and the preventive measures for failure. If you are interested in heat exchangers, you can pay attention to Shanghai Jiangxing Chemical Equipment Co.Led. We hope you can find the right product for you.

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